Sunday, April 28, 2013

Finally signs of life... and spring

This past week the weather finally started getting a bit milder and without snow. It took almost 3 weeks but the seeds I planted outside are starting to pop up. First signs was the lettuce in the container. Then the peas and spinach. Now I see kale, beets and romaine. I'm not surprised that I don't see the carrots yet, they are always the slowest to show signs.

I'm almost ready to setup the automatic watering system again. The long range forecast appears to be mild enough that I won't have to worry about freezing water lines at night and I'm also getting tired of lugging water every evening to water the seedlings. As soon as I can tell where the sprouts are coming up for everything then I'll weave the water lines around the plants.

Also for weeks now I keep checking the asparagus with disappointment because there have been no signs of life. I was starting to worry that I'd lost the plants because everyone else I know has their asparagus coming up but finally last night I spotted the first spear. Yay!!! This is the year I finally get to cut some and I would've been severely disappointed if I lost them.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The never ending winter

Winter just won't quit. We get a few nicer days and then wham, snow and cold again. They're forecasting snow again for Tuesday next week. I'm hoping that's it. I'd really like to put away the winter coats.

As for the garden there's no sign of those seeds I planted. I sure how they still come up, arghhh! Darn weather. I keep checking my asparagus, and no signs either. Other people at work have told me their's has just popped up in the last week so I'm still hoping. This is the year I get to cut the asparagus for the first time and I'd be mighty disappointed if it didn't survive the winter.

My seed trays in the house are doing fairly well. They could really use some strong sunshine though, if it ever gets warm enough I'll put them outside during the day but for now they're still stuck in the window.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Tilling and cold season crops

Finally the snow is staying away (better be) and I was able to get out this weekend and till the garden. Yesterday I tilled all the beds except the herb bed and today I put the seeds in for the cold season crops.

In the carrot bed I planted:
- Burpeeana Early Pea (Burpee)
- Paris Island Romaine Lettuce (Lake Valley Seed) - last year's leftover seeds
- Little Finger Carrot (Lake Valley Seed) - last year's leftover seeds
- French Baby Carrot (Renee's Garden)
- Early Purple Vienna Kohlrabi (Lake Valley Seed) - last year's leftover seeds

In the pepper bed I planted:
- the rest of last years Frosty Peas (Earl May)
- Italian Heirloom Kale (Renee's Garden)
- Rainbow Swiss Chard (Renee's Garden)

And some random plantings:
- In the tomato bed I put some Olympia Hybrid Spinach (Lake Valley Seed) - last year's leftover seeds
- In a planter I put a red and green salad lettuce mix (Lake Valley Seed) - last year's leftover seeds
- In the broccoli bed I put Early Wonder Beets (Earl May) - last year's leftover seeds

It's supposed to rain the next few days and be milder so it should be perfect seed starting weather.