Thursday, April 19, 2012


During the heat wave we had in March, I had a sudden rush that I was behind the game with my garden. I wasn't but thank goodness for the push to get going.

My sprouts have been struggling though, we've been switching back and forth in the weather so that I cannot always get sufficient light on them. Last year was the first year I seriously tried seed trays and I have not yet purchased grow lights. I may have to make an investment next year. For now I'm taking advantage of all the windows in my dining room and just how much light is in that room. Even still, some of my sprouts are leggy, especially the tomatoes. Last year they produced despite being leggy although it was a rough season for tomatoes in general. The tomatoes last year didn't get very big but I'm not sure if that was from the weather or my leggy starter plants.

Some of this years sprouts are looking good though, especially the eggplant, leeks, cilantro, parsley and sweet banana peppers. I can't wait for the weather to consistently warm up so that I can get them outside in the ground so that they can have the better lighting from the sun.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Heat Wave

Well I thought the weather might turn and it did, wow did it get hot!!! The last weekend in March was record breaking heat... high 80s and low 90s, crazy hot!

I didn't do any gardening this past weekend. Other than watering the plants and taking my seed trays out to enjoy the sun, I didn't do a thing... too hot! Monday night though I broke down, despite the heat and tilled the tomato bed, and... once again, tore the peppermint out of the herb garden and tilled it. Never, ever, ever plant mint in the ground. I'm going to regret that forever.

I've had a lot of discussions with local gardeners and they are saying to go for it and plant seeds even though we're not at the frost date yet. Theory is that the ground is so warm now that even if the temps drop some that the ground itself won't get cold enough to hurt the seeds as long as their not the high temp plants.

I decided to gamble in a safe way and planted green bean seeds. For the rest I'm going to wait until I the weekend and wait to see what the long range forecast is predicting. The last frost date here is between mid-April and the end. If this weekend's long range forecast looks reasonably warm I'm going to plant a bunch of seeds. My seed trays are going to be kept safe for a while longer though. Not willing to take a gamble on those cause I don't get a chance for a "re-do" on that.