Sunday, May 15, 2011

Long overdue!

Ok so I've been busy, to be honest that's an understatement!

So to catch up, I started seeds indoors this year to save money and over a couple weeks in March I started:
- Leeks
- Celery
- Parsley
- Summer Savory
- Roma Tomatoes
- Beefsteak Tomatoes
- Tomatillo's
- Eggplant
- Romaine
- Basil
- Marigolds
- Patty-pan squash
- Mammoth Sunflowers rota
- some annuals for the flower bed

Note to self: The squash and sunflowers do NOT need to be started early. Everything else should be started EARLIER!

I doubled the garden this year with a lot of help from the hubby, and as a result I've concluded that I need rotatiller. I've made out fine hand turning the soil up to now but oh my, that's a lot of soil now.

As of this morning the last of the beds was prepped and seeded. The garden as it stands now is: