Monday, June 6, 2011

Finally weeded!

It's been a busy spring because we doubled the size of the garden with new beds. Now, a couple weeks after seeding, I can tell the difference between what was intentionally planted and what is not. 2 & 1/5 hours of weeding later on Saturday, I now (at least temporarily) have lovely garden beds. I took pictures because in about a month it'll be a tropical jungle....

To show off the new beds, this one has Tomatillo, 4 different Peppers (Jalepano, Yellow Banana, Poblano, & Sweet Red) along with Eggplant, Patty Pan Squash and Zucchini. I've snuck a Rosemary plant in this bed near the Zucchini, hopefully it doesn't get smothered. All but the Zucchini and Eggplant and new adventures for me this year.

In all of the beds I have planted random Marigolds to try and keep away the pests.

In this new bed is Parsley, Romaine, Little Finger Carrots, more Romaine that I started indoors, Leeks, Celery, and Summer Savory. Cellery and Summer Savory are new adventures this year and I'm considering the Romaine a new adventure because last year the Zucchini smothered it so I wasn't able to harvest. Made sure they are in separate beds this year.

Then there's the new bed from last year. This is where I planted the Asparagus roots, Garlic, Kaleidoscope Carrots, Kale, more Eggplant, pickling Cukes and Burpless Cucumbers. The Asparagus and Garlic are new adventures.

In this existing bed I planted Caribe Potatoes because they are supposed to be drought resistant, Broccoli, Blue Wonder Green Beans (Kentucky Wonder/Blue Lake cross) and Peas. The Potatoes and Broccoli are going to be some real adventures! New ones :)

In the first of these two beds is the Tomatoes that I started from seed and that got fried but still planted the best of. They are growing nicely and I hope to have the Roma's and Beefsteaks I planted. I also have the Green Beans behind these too and Basil hiding in around the front. Then the farther is the beastly bed. The Oregano I planted years ago grows like a weed and so does that darn, darn Peppermint. I pull the Peppermint out every year but it's impossible to get rid of. Also returning is the Thyme and the Sage I planted last year. In the space you can't see in the middle I've planted Basil and Dill. I'm going to have to keep the Oregano whacked back though to allow them room to grow.

These pictures were taken two days ago. We've had a lot of amazing sun/heat since then and boys has everything jumped up in just two days!

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