So lets see. I had to reseed the green beans, something kept eating the plants to a nub. Now I have a wicked nice bushy plant but so far no green beans. I'm afraid the excessive heat we've had the last two weeks are not helping the plants flower.
The broccoli was all harvested early. The heads were small since we had so much heat and the plants were done and tore out by mid June.
I also over planted my spinach and was eating spinach salad every day in June. What's left now has all bolted and the seeds I planted have not grown. Not sure if it's the heat or what.
Everything is huge now, this was in the middle of June.
The 2nd weekend in June we went camping and came back to zucchini that needed to be harvested.
For the last week of June I was gone for work and came back to baseball bat zucchini. That's my size 9 shoe.
I've also been able to harvest enough basil to make 4 cups of basil pesto to put in the freezer. At the end of May I chopped the oregano way back and made 3 cups of oregano pesto for the freezer. Since then the oregano has gone wild again and needs to be whacked back again.
Tonight I harvested the first cucumber and I see that I should have enough pickling cucumbers by the weekend to make a small batch of pickles. I also picked the first 4 banana peppers as well.
My potato plants started dying back two weeks ago. The plants were huge and wonderful but it seems to be like last year. The heat does them in. I've decided to just leave them be until there's nothing left of the plant but stalks. That seemed to work last year and we'll see what I get.